Shop no further for the perfect gifts! From Zoo Passes bringing months of joy to adorable animal sponsorships, we’ve got your holiday cheer covered.

Gift Zoo Pass

Gift Zoo PassZoo Passes offer free regular admission to the Milwaukee County Zoo, along with four attraction coupons and fantastic perks like discounted events and priority registration for Zoo Classes and Summer Camps.

Plus, snag a plush-toy tiger with all new gifts while supplies last. Order by Dec. 14, 2023, for arrival in time for Christmas. If you place an order after the holiday shipping deadline, you may call us at 414-258-2333 to make arrangements to pick up your gift package at the Zoo.

Visit or call 414-258-2333 to gift a Zoo Pass package – because giving the gift of wild fun is both thoughtful and tax deductible!

Buy a Zoo Pass

Oryx Holiday Ornament

Oryx OrnamentEach year, the Zoological Society unveils a new animal ornament. This year’s ornament showcases the Zoo’s scimitar-horned oryx. The handcrafted, pewter ornament is created by local Wisconsin artist Andy Schumann and costs $16. This price includes postage, mailing materials and WI sales tax. Proceeds help support the Zoological Society’s mission.

Buy an ornament

Snow Leopard Sponsorship Package

Sponsor An Animal Snow Leopard LtoSponsor male snow leopard Choto (“sho‑toe”), the newest addition to the Milwaukee County Zoo. The limited-time offer celebrates these cool cats while also raising awareness about their vulnerable status. Animal sponsorships also help us continue to provide education opportunities and support the Zoo.

Receive an adorable plush-toy snow leopard, an official certificate of sponsorship and a colorful fact sheet. Get exclusive access to a behind-the-scenes event in August, name recognition at the Zoo for a year and a Sponsor an Animal decal.

Send your holiday gift anywhere in the United States. Shipping and handling is included. Tax‑deductible portion is $40.

Upgrade your sponsorship to the $100 level to receive a photo of Choto and two Zoo attraction tickets in addition to the benefits listed above.

Sponsor Choto

Kids Conservation Club Membership

Kids Conservation ClubHave a little one who loves animals? Ignite their love for wildlife today with a membership to the Kids Conservation Club! This program offers children valuable insights into endangered animals and ways to support their survival. For $25, your child can sponsor an endangered animal at the Milwaukee County Zoo, receive an animal fact sheet, get collector cards featuring endangered species and have their name displayed for a year. They’ll also be invited to exclusive educational workshops at the Zoo!

Gift a club membership

Gift Cards

Holidaygiftguide2023 GiftcardStocking stuffer alert! Consider purchasing a gift card through the Zoological Society. Gift cards give you plenty of options for holiday gift-giving:

  • A Zoo Pass membership
  • Zoo Classes or Camps
  • An animal sponsorship or Kids Conservation Club membership
  • Zoological Society ornaments
  • A Zoological Society fundraising event
  • Gift card

Buy a gift card